Monday, August 31, 2009

A Bottle of Wine & 4 Hours Later

As Stephie would say, “It sounded like a good idea at the time.” Sure. I can grout my lamp on Sunday evening with a glass (read: a bottle) of wine. I’ll be done in plenty of time to get my beauty (read: brainiac) rest. As you now know, it took much longer than I’d planned to grout my Barbie Lamp. One hour turned into four. It’s Boat Dollars and Mosaic Minutes.

When I first began my current gig I worked with a super smart and rather quippy guy who raced sailboats. He taught me about “Boat Dollars”. Whatever you think you’re spending on your hobby, if it involves a boat, multiply it by at least 100. Well, I now think mosaic minutes operate in the same realm: make it a factor of 10, or hey, be adventurous, make it exponential.

This “trite” little Barbie project has proved to be more time consuming and tactile than I could have imagined. Yippee. Much better than I had dreamed…

There are a few Barbies left to affix to the lamp, there is some slight detailing work to do, I love it. I love it. It’s been the most fun. Come see her, “Light My Day Barbie”, on Sept 10th @ 50 Shotwell Studios (uh, 50 Shotwell, SF). She’s waiting for you.

Final touches to come…post will follow. Nighty Night.

1 comment:

  1. Break Out Another Thousand :-)

    Nice lamp!

    Guess who???
